Friday, June 15, 2012

Duke City Darlins: Sophisticated Vandalism

The opening reception for Sophisticated Vandalism is this Friday, June 15, from 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM at Archetype Dermigraphic Studio/Gallery. I recently spoke with Dezy Hardin, the founder and CEO of the Duke City Darlins, about the upcoming show. Hardin described Sophisticated Vandalism as a collection of paintings, drawings, prints, designs, photography and other works by the members of the Duke City Darlins. Since most of their group events revolve around charitable fundraising for the community, this art show gives the members a chance to showcase their artistic talent to the public. 

The Duke City Darlins have partnered with Archetype Dermigraphic Studio/Gallery as the venue for their art exhibition. This studio is all about promoting a high ethical standard and a sense of community and brotherhood for those who are in the tattoo industry. Not only a tattoo studio, but a place for artists of all mediums to collect knowledge from one another and to inspire each other to branch out and tap into new veins of thought. Sharing their mantra, the Archetype Dermigraphic Gallery believes, “Art is for sharing, not only imagery, but reaches to the gut and root of human experience. They invite all those who love art. Whether you produce it, like to look at it, or love to wear it.” 

The Duke City Darlins are a dynamic group of women who specializes in organizing, hosting, and managing local and national charity functions in New Mexico. The Darlins are the epitome of grassroots humanitarians. They are women of the "alternative lifestyle" being tattooed or otherwise modified. The Darlins have the common goal of bettering the community as well as educating the public on safe tattoo and body modification practices. By contributing greatly to society, the Duke City Darlins hope to change the negative stigma placed on modified women and create a sisterhood of lifelong friends. For more information visit

Sophisticated Vandalism will hang during the month of June at the Archetype Dermigraphic Studio/Gallery, 529 Adams Street, NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108, (505) 265-0972,